
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Moving a big tree

Walt: write an explanation.

Trees a very important, but it can also be annoying.

First, prune the tree. So it can survive when they move the tree and plant it somewhere else.

Secondly, mark around the tree with a bright pink colour,  just so that you know where to dig a trench. a digger is much easier to dig with because if you use a shovel it will be difficult.

Next, place a thick wire underneath the tree to cut underneath the roots .

Next, lay the tree on top on a truck on its side. With support by holding the roots and the tree steady.

Lastly they covered the palm tree with a net and tired a strong rope around the palm tree so it will not fall off and cause an accident.

The nearest ten

The answer was 20 because the nearest ten from 17 is 20. The strategy was easy because 7 + 3 = 10 if that is 10 then 17 + 3 = 20 because it is the nearest ten.

Solving my 11 times table

I am solving my 11 times tables.

The question was  11x7. The answer is 77 .
I used my time tables to  complete my problem. By the end of this week I want to be on a bigger rank.

7 x  11 = 77

This problem was easy .

Friday, 14 February 2014

My Explanation writing

Walt: write an explanation.

Building a fale is very important to your family because is you are lost in Samoa
then you will not be able to survive.

First you need to find a flat ground to build your fale probably  because you cannot build a fale on a hill. It will be too difficult to build  a fale on a hill.

Secondly  you have to get the building materials. The building materials are wood, nails and fronds because if you don't have the building materials then you can not build a fale.

Next  the mum and aunty fold the leaves and sew it together. After that the dad and the son built the roof  by tying the frond onto the palm tree. Then they placed it onto the roof. Then the son checked if there were any gaps in the roof.

Lastly, the fale was done and they made a big feast for all the builders that helped build their fale.

My swimming cartoon