
Friday, 22 May 2015

Line and Pie Graphs - Financial Literacy

Screenshot 2015-05-21 at 9.56.24 AM.png
WALT: Solve Problems

In this game I had to solve problems about graphs. I got ten out of ten. I am so proud of me. I hope my family and my teacher is proud of me because I am trying really hard with school work and with me behaviour. Some questions were challenging for me but some were easy. I would like to do more complex activities.


Anonymous said...

Talofa Lava Wesley
It's really good that you knew all the answers to the question. I got all of the question correct as well. How long did it take you to finish your work?

Anonymous said...

Talofa Lava Wesley,
This game looks good to play. I hope you family is proud of you too because you have been doing some good work in the year. It will be good if you do harder work because then you can learn. What did you find hard in this game?

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